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[Internet Movie Database] Independence Day

Independence Day Sweepstakes

In collaboration with 20th Century Fox, the Internet Movie Database welcomes you to this special page! Here you can find screen savers, trailers and a link to the offical site for the biggest film this year, Independence Day, opening July 3rd. Also, thanks to 20th Century Fox's generosity, by entering the ID4 Sweepstakes below, you have the chance of winning one of 50 "Making of ID4" CD-ROMs!

ID4 Screen Savers

Screen savers available for MAC or PC.

ID4 Trailers

Trailer A 6.6Mb

Trailer B 11.1Mb

TV Spot 2.1Mb

ID4 Offical Site

Visit the official site

Here you'll find games, behind the scenes information and details of the secret Area 51.
Click the logo to find out more...

ID4 Sweepstakes

Win one of fifty "Making of ID4" CD-ROMs!

To enter the sweepstakes, simply fill out and submit the form below. One entry per person only please.


The draw takes place in July, and all winners will be contacted shortly thereafter.

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